7.62x54r.net Photograph Submittal Guidelines
All content copyright © 7.62x54r.net

No new pictures are being accepted.

It's requested that the following guidelines be used when submitting photographs for use on 7.62x54r.net to help maintain the consistency and quality of the site.


1.  Please look at 7.62x54r.net to make sure that the picture is not a duplicate before submitting it.

2.  Refer to the 7.62x54r.net Firearm Photography Tips page for help with specific issues such as glare and focus on close-ups.

3.  Include a description of the photograph with the model, year, and arsenal of the firearm, and indicate the page on 7.62x54r.net that the photo is intended for.

4.  Include the name or nickname you would like the photograph credited to.

5.  Please use the standard JPEG format and do not use a zip file.  Unsolicited zip files can not be opened due to the chance of a computer virus.

6.  A white background is preferred unless it is a small mark that will have the background cropped out of the picture

7.  Cropping the excess background before sending the picture will make e-mailing easier, but room should be left for final editing.

8.  It is not necessary to reduce the size of the picture as this will allow the highest quality possible to be used.  Any necessary reduction will be done by 7.62x54r.net.

8.  Pictures that are out of focus or have excessive glare should not be submitted.

9.  Please place "Photo submittal" in the subject line.

Terms of Agreement

By submitting a photograph to 7.62x54r.net you agree to allow it's use on the web site and on CD copies of the web site which are sold to support the site.  You understand that submittal does not guarantee use on the site and that 7.62x54r.net does not pay for submitted photographs.

If you have a submitted a photograph in the past and do not agree with these terms please identify the pictures that you would like removed from the site.

Thank you for helping to improve 7.62x54r.net with your submittal and for taking the time to read the guidelines. - Ted, aka 7.62x54r

No new pictures are being accepted.

All content copyright © 7.62x54r.net