Hungarian M91/30

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HungM9130overall.JPG (26248 bytes)

Hungarian M44 carbines are common in the US, but the Hungarian M91/30 is not as well known.  There are two versions, the M91/30 PU sniper and the standard M91/30.   The Hungarian M91/30 follows the same basic pattern as the Soviet M91/30 with few differences.  The barrel shank markings are "02", which is the country code for Hungary, the date, the Hungarian crest, and the serial number.  The dates are in the early 1950s and began before M44 production in Hungary.  This particular rifle was exported from Germany to the US and has the German Federal Pressure Proofs on the left side of the barrel shank as required by German law.  One interesting feature is the receiver style which follows the war time Izhevsk pattern with a high wall and an unmachined right rear, although the degree of finish is much greater than is typical of this style of Soviet receiver.  For detailed information on receiver features and variations see the Mosin Nagant Rifle Receiver Variations page.

HungM9130barreltop.JPG (44990 bytes) HungM9130barrelside.JPG (9958 bytes) HungM9130rectop.JPG (65332 bytes)

The extra notch forward of the stripper clip guide is also missing like the Izhevsk war time receiver production.  The tang is dated 1951 and has the 02 country code.   The recoil lug bears the "circle B" for the Budapest arsenal.

HungM9130recguides.JPG (55679 bytes) HungM9130tang.JPG (11937 bytes) HungM9130recoillug.JPG (9661 bytes)

The front of the receiver has no inner barrel bearing surface which is a feature of all WWII and later Mosin Nagants.  The trigger is marked "circle B" on one side and "02" on the other.  It is of typical Russian design with no modifications.

HungM9130recchamber.JPG (22594 bytes) HungM9130trigleft.JPG (14220 bytes) HungM9130trigright.JPG (16113 bytes)

The bolt on this example appears to be of Soviet origin or possibly Romanian, although the serial number matches the rifle and has an alpha prefix that is unique to Hungary.   The cocking knob mark is poor and could be Izhevsk or Romanian as the two are similar.

HungM9130bolt1.JPG (59854 bytes) HungM9130bolt2.JPG (38784 bytes) HungM9130bolt3.JPG (13873 bytes)

The bolt head itself is cleary marked with "02" in two places and a "circle B".

HungM9130bolt4.JPG (15476 bytes) HungM9130bolt5.JPG (12952 bytes) HungM9130bolt6.JPG (12247 bytes)

The extractor is "02" marked, the interrupter/ejector is "02" and "circle B" marked, and the interrupter/ejector spring is "circle B" marked.

HungM9130bolt7.JPG (13401 bytes) HungM9130intejc.JPG (9746 bytes) HungM9130intejcspring.JPG (9258 bytes)

The marking of smaller parts continues with the sights which have an "02" on the rear base, rear slide and front globe.

HungM9130sightrearbase.JPG (46929 bytes) HungM9130sightrearslide.JPG (20110 bytes) HungM9130sightfront.JPG (11306 bytes)

The barrel bands and front barrel band spring are likewise marked with "02".   No mark is evident on the rear barrel band spring.

HungM9130bandrear.JPG (42846 bytes) HungM9130bandfront.JPG (35746 bytes) HungM9130bandfront2.JPG (32633 bytes)

The stock has an oil type finish and a distinctive grain to the wood.  This example does not have the typical "02" and "circle B" as found on Hungarian M44s and other Hungarian M91/30s.  However, it does have a "circle 7".  This type of mark with different numbers is a typical Hungarian stock mark.   The sling is also "02" marked.

HungM9130stockbutt.JPG (97661 bytes) HungM9130stockmark.JPG (46666 bytes) HungM9130sling.JPG (71813 bytes)

Continuing with the Hungarian practice of marking every possible part, the "02" is also found on the nose cap, cleaning rod, and floorplate, where it is joined by a "circle B".

HungM9130nosecap.JPG (7311 bytes) HungM9130rod.JPG (17036 bytes) HungM9130floorplate.JPG (8852 bytes)

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