1943 Sk.Y M39 Appraisal
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SkYM3901.JPG (29494 bytes)

Summer 2006
For more pictures and information see the 1943 Sk.Y M39 page.
Appraisers:  SlimTim, kh, Alsky, Radom, MosinJunkie, DudleyDR/NotPC, finnmn/ragtop88

SlimTim of Gunboards.com

I've been collecting rifles in the southeastern US for about 6 years now.  I'm more interested in Enfields and South American Mausers than I am the Mosin Nagant rifles, but strangely there are as many Finn Mosins in my collection as there are Enfields, or close to it.  Finn Mosins imported in the last 10-15 years show up regularly at gun shows and pawn shops in my area, and I have a hard time passing up the nicer or more difficult to find Finns.

This month's rifle is one I'd very much like to own.  Over the past few years I've developed a growing interest in Finnish Civil Guard rifles.  This is a nice example.

The good: It's SK.Y marked.  My heart starts fluttering when I see this.  The stock bearing a Civil Guard cartouche is a BIG plus for me too. The matching bolt & floorplate is a nice thing to have, though I'd still be interested in this rifle even if it weren't matching. Overall the rifle appears to have consistency with the different components, i.e. the finish wear on the metal appears equal to the dings in the wood.  The antique receiver would be another plus, it seems to add value due to it's "non-gun" status legally.  The sling appears to be a nice one, perhaps it was the last component of this rifle to have been replaced.  The Century Arms import mark on this rifle is the old style, under the barrel at the muzzle, which is a plus.

On a side note the serial number consists of the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.  This rifle would likely be a lucky one to have for poker players.

The bad:  Not much bad about this beauty.  The dot matrix serial number on top of the receiver, added by Century Arms, is a big turnoff to me.   This one factor, although there's not much that can be done about it, would earmark this as a rifle to be upgraded were it in my collection.  The metal finish and wood condition do not bother me, but I'd certainly use their worn appearance as a haggle factor in trying to purchase this rifle.

I'd likely pay up to $185 for this M-39.  In the heat of pursuit, I might pay a bit more, $215 maybe, if purchased face-to-face, not mail order.   I'd likely not sell this rifle unless I found a similar one without the importer added dot matrix serial number on the receiver.  If I was able to upgrade it, I'd likely ask around $245 if selling.

kh of Gunboards.com and author of Drei Linien, Die Gewehre Mosin-Nagant

I have been collecting for "40" years in Germany and concentrate on All Mosin Nagants along with some other Nations of WW2.

The positive features of this rifle are the very nice stock and blue, along with the excellent bore.

The "US" number on top of the chamber is a negative.

I would pay, and ask, $250 for this rifle.

Alsky of Gunboards.com

I have been shooting & collecting firearms for over "40" years in Central Pa and have concentrated exclusively on "Finnish Firearms " for the last 6 years.    Most all of my Finnish collection has come to me from contacts on the internet.

This is a very nice and maybe original SK.Y rifle. It looks to have matching numbers and a stock cartouche which is dated a year earlier than the barrel but still may be correct.  Other positive features are the white sight ladder and the yellow colored front sight windage adjuster screws.  Being built on an antique receiver can also be a + for some collectors. With the excellent bore this rifle could be an upgrade for most collections.

What I don't like about the rifle is the dot-matrix number on top of the receiver.

The rifle would be worth $335 to add to my collection and I would part with it for about $395.

Radom of Gunboards.com

I'm Steven "Radom" Henderson.  I've been collecting military firearms in general since the mid 1980s and  everything Mosin Nagant for about nine years based in central Oklahoma.  Longtime  proud member of Gunboards Collectors Forum.

A 1943 SK.Y M39. I'd say it's all good: Original finish, matching numbers in three places, SKY marked stock. I can hear some saying the stock is dated 42 (think I'm seeing that right), so it can't be original. I'd think the serial number is low enough in the 1943 SKY M39 range to give the stock the benefit of the doubt: possibly left over from 1942 & original to this gun. Not a detriment to the desirability or value of the piece, to me. Antique status dated receiver makes some turn flips, it's of no consequence to me.

I don't see anything to complain about.

The M39 represents the highest form of Mosin Nagant in a standard model. A Finnish Civil Guard M39 is arguably the most important/collectible M39.

I'd give $300 for this one. I wouldn't sell it for less than $350.

MosinJunkie of Gunboards.com

I've been collecting Mosin Nagants off and on since 1989. My primary focus is on the Russian/Soviet Mosin's with an intense interest in the Finn's. I live in Eastern North Carolina where there always seems to be an abundance of Finn Mosin's.

This rifle strikes my fancy because of a few different features. First of all, it is a SK.Y rifle and a all matching example as well.  The blueing shows over all even wear, except an area of splotching on the barrel shank. The Sako acceptance stamp can be seen on the left side of the barrel shank. It started out as a Civil Guard rifle that was later tranferred to the army. As can be determined by the boxed SA between the SK.Y and the Sako wheel, on top of the barrel shank. It has the Civil Guard acceptance stamp, on the right side of the barrel shank, that appears to be partially scrubbed. The bolt handle is an older Tula manufacture and the original serial number has been removed by the Finn's and the bolt re-numbered on the bolt knob. The cocking piece is older style Izhevsk. The rifle was assembled using an 1897 Izhevsk receiver. This makes this rifle an antique.

The stock color is superb in my opinion. It is a nice even light brown color with a little character thrown in. The war time stock shows signs of the rifle having been used (but very little) but has, quite noticably, been very well cared for. The best feature of this rifle is on the stock. The Civil Guard stamp on the right butt stock, with 42 date, stamped under it. This stock may very well be original to this rifle. It has a very good example of a correct sling installed.

Positives: All matching, Civil Guard stamped stock, Stock color and condition,  1897 receiver (antique).

Negatives: Splotching on barrel shank, tranferred to army [SA].

If I were buying buying this rifle. I would pay around $250-$275 for it. If I were to sell it (not likely), I would not accept less than $350.

DudleyDR of Gunboards.com, aka NotPC of Milsurpshooter.net

I have been shooting and (later) collecting firearms of all types since 1956.  My collecting interests have evolved to the Mosin Nagant rifle with a special focus on the Finnish variations.  I currently live in the shade of the Rocky Mountains where very few Mosins migrated to or settled in.  I have found only two Finnish rifles locally in the twenty years that I have lived here.  As my options are limited, I turn to the trader boards and the auction sites for acquisitions.

Positive features of this rifle:

First, it is a Finnish M39, ('nuff said?) one of the very best battle rifles ever.  It utilizes the simple and very reliable Mosin Nagant action combined with a Sako-made barrel.  It enjoys a well-deserved reputation for reliability and accuracy.  It appears to be in excellent condition.  The stock is marked with the correct Civil Guard cartouche and has a nice "marbled" grain pattern.  I will presume that it is at least "Finn matching" for estimating purposes.  The fact that it is built on an "antique" receiver may give it added value to some, but I do not consider that feature gives it a premium.  It is an excellent example of a desireable rifle.

Negative features of this rifle:

To me, none noted.

I would pay a maximum of $425. for this rifle.

I would not sell it for less than that $425.  (It is not one that I would be anxious to sell!)

finnmn of Gunboards.com, aka ragtop88 of Milsurpshooter.net

I have been collecting for 3 years in the Southeast and concentrate on Finnish Mosin Nagants with an attempt to focus on Civil Guard rifles.

Although I present positives and negatives below I would not associate a specific value to any of them, I would use them as an overall way to evaluate the complete rifle.

The positive features of this rifle are:  Antique receiver, correct CG marked stock, matching numbers on the bolt, barrell, and floor plate is nice.  Although the stock is dated '42 it may be the original to the rifle.

The negative features of this rifle are:  No real negatives, other than it appears that there is not CG number on the barrel, I try to pick these up with these numbers present...this is reflected in my buying price below.  Overall wear of the rifle may turn some off but it seems fairly minor on this example.

This rifle fits my collection on many levels:  It's Finn and a Civil Guard rifle.  Overall I’d say this is a very nice example of a SkY m39 rifle.

I would pay $175.00 for this rifle.

I would ask $250.00 for this rifle.

I would place a high, medium, low fair market value on this rifle of $175, $225, $275.  (Auction prices not reflected)


Summary for 1943 Sk.Y M39 Appraisal
For more pictures and information see the 1943 Sk.Y M39 page.
Positive Features Negative Features
Sk.Y (Civil Guard) rifle Dot matrix importer added serial number on receiver
Sk.Y stock cartouche Splotchy finish on the barrel shank
Matching bolt and floorplate [SA] mark
Consistent wear No Civil Guard number on the barrel
Antique receiver NA
Nice, correct sling NA
Old style import mark NA
Excellent bore NA
"White" sight ladder NA
"Yellow" front sight windage screws NA
Stock grain pattern NA
Summary of Values
Low buying price $175.00, finnmn/ragtop88
High buying price $425.00, DudleyDR/NotPC
Average buying price $274.29
Low selling price $245.00, SlimTim
High selling price $425.00, DudleyDR/NotPC
Average selling price $323.57

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